Vermicomposting System Outline
a) What is Vermicomposting?
b) Why should farmers/gardeners utilize vermicomposting?
c) What are the benefits of VC over traditional composting techniques?
a) The Process of VC (detailed).
b) Traditional VC bins and techniques vs. Improved techniques.
c) Traditional Coldframes vs. Improved Coldframes (design, materials, etc).
a) Improved VC bin and Coldframe design (detailed).
b) Site specifics (location, drainage, orientation, landscaping, windbreaks, etc.).
a) Other uses for improved coldframe during warm season.
> Hot/active composting, tropical plant species, etc. (built into design).
b) Future improvements and possibilities of improved VC bin and coldframe.
a) What is Vermicomposting?
b) Why should farmers/gardeners utilize vermicomposting?
c) What are the benefits of VC over traditional composting techniques?
a) The Process of VC (detailed).
b) Traditional VC bins and techniques vs. Improved techniques.
c) Traditional Coldframes vs. Improved Coldframes (design, materials, etc).
a) Improved VC bin and Coldframe design (detailed).
b) Site specifics (location, drainage, orientation, landscaping, windbreaks, etc.).
a) Other uses for improved coldframe during warm season.
> Hot/active composting, tropical plant species, etc. (built into design).
b) Future improvements and possibilities of improved VC bin and coldframe.